Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Turning Japanese

Sorry for not having an updates for soo long. Everyone been so busy, we haven't been catching up a lot lately :( but here I come with a little of update.
So, last Saturday (26/11) I was joining this make up workshop by Sari Liem a make-up artist. Well, I was planning for the three of us to go there and have lots of fun, but unfortunately they can't join me *cry*

Anyway, the theme was Himegyaru.
Wonder what is Himegyaru? It's a Japanese street-fashion, identical with big hair, extreme eye make up, big eyes (contact lenses), fake-lashes, and pale lips. What makes Himegyaru so special is how it makes the girls looks like anime and a living doll. Himegyaru is all about the eye *wink wink* 
There's lot's kind of himegyaru style
from the extreme

to simply kawaii~~ 

Since the theme is Japanese Himegyaru, I was expected to see lots of teenagers or at least girls of my age there, but I was wrong. I am the youngest, all others participants were about 30 plus. The class is scheduled from 10-5 in Nikki Hotel, but since we're a bunch of curious and amateur ladies we ended up to finished at 8 o'clock and have to move to one of the auntie's house because we can't use the hotel after 5PM.
With the help of Sari Liem and mbak Siska, this is my himegyaru style.

yea.. I struggle when putting the lashes, and it stuck in my real lashes. I just gave up and leave it like that. LOL

Here is me with Sari Liem. She's a nice lady and a talented young make-up artist.

To be honest, I don't have much knowledge about make-up and have no idea how to put make-up properly, so being in this class is kinda challenging but I have a lot of fun and learn new stuffs. And actually I am a person who don't really depend on make up in a daily basis and I used to think that girls with heavy make up tends to be fake (no offence). I mean, for me it's more about inner beauty although we have to take care of our outside look as well. What I learn cosmetic is like clothes, we wore what we like to show our characters, what we like, how we feel, to hide our flaws, to highlight the best of ourself. The point is to look good and feel good about ourself to embrace what we already have and be confident in it. You don't need to wear heavy make up if you're not confident in it, but it's a good experience to try and see ourself differently.

So.. I had fun playing with make up, and I wanna do it again some other time, soon. maybe, with vivi and bee^^... if not I'll drag them into it *mhuahahha*
Hope you enjoy the updates.

..be confident in yourself, when you feeling it on the inside, it'll shows on the outside..

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